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CEMEK-RSET80L - Alkali Free Accelerator for wet Shotcrete in Liquid form


CEMEK-RSET80L is an alkali free set accelerator available in liquid form for use with sprayed concrete for guniting, shot creating etc.


Conforms to IS 9103-1999 (reaffirmed 2004) Edition 2.2 (2007- 2008), ASTM C494/C494-08a, Type C, BS EN 934 Efnarc specification of sprayed concrete & ASTM C 1141


CEMEK-RSET80L is used for sprayed concrete and mortar in galleries, tunnels, retaining walls, embankments, tank lining etc. Cement mortar admixed with CEMEK-RSET80L sets rapidly; hence faster placing of higher thickness in one application is possible.


  1. Alkali free so does not promote Alkali Silica Reaction in concrete & hence produces sound concrete.
  2. Proper spraying consistency of the concrete when mixed & quick setting enables to stick the concrete in substrate adequately resulting no or minimum rebound loss & hence economic.
  3. Rapid setting leads to higher builds spray (more than 100 mm thickness) at a time, contributes faster coverage & hence more economic
  4. Quick setting ensures spraying on wet surface even with running water & contributes water tightness instantly.
  5. Formulated in such a way that develops high early strength & later strength is not adversely affected obviously with prescribed dosages.
  6. Chloride free & does not promote corrosion of reinforcing steel if any.
  7. Non caustic leads to safer handling to workmen & maintains safety to the operating condition in workplace.